Vectoflow Revolutionizing Flow Measurement

Recently, an article about ESA BIC Bavaria incubatee Vectoflow was published in the magazine “PLAN W – Frauen verändern Wirtschaft”. This magazine of the Süddeutsche Zeitung is publishing articles about female founders describing how women are changing economy.

Katharina Kreitz, one of the founders of Vectoflow, develops filigree probes with a 3D printing process, smallest possible and custom-fit for every application field. The aim is to increase the efficiency of the customers’ products by understanding fluid (e.g. air, liquids) flow parameters like velocity, pressure, and angle of attack. Its customised multi-hole probes and systems determine the needed quantities of the parameters at hand. The probes are easily adaptable to customers’ requirements in terms of their geometry, size, and material due to Vectoflow’s innovative fabrication method (3D printing).

Do you want to become as successful as Vectoflow? Then take your chance and join the ESA BIC Bavaria network. Check out all the benefits and apply now before the next application deadline on 02 March 2018.

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