The first 10 Copernicus Hackathon organisers have been selected!

Key Visual Copernicus Hackathons

The first ten Copernicus Hackathon organisers are ready to start. From September, computer programmers, entrepreneurs, thematic experts, graphic designers and other creative talents will come together from all over Europe to collaborate on the development of new software based on Copernicus Earth observation data.

Registration for the initial Copernicus Hackathon in Leiden, Netherlands on 29th and 30th September 2018 is open now:

SBIC – The Space Business Innovation Centre Noordwijk
Date of Hackathon: 29. – 30.09.2018
Country/City: The Netherlands / Leiden
Topic: Earth, Water and Air

SBIC and Plnt! are inviting participants to join the first Copernicus Hackathon and promote their ideas.
The other nine organisers are going to follow with exciting events soon:

Civil Association Pronatur
Date of Hackathon: 06. – 07.10.2018
Country/City: Slovakia / Bratislava
Topic: Open to all Copernicus themes

IEST – European Institute for Technological Development
Date of Hackathon: 05. – 07.10.18
Country/City: Italy / Mira – Venice
Topic: Sustainable Development Goals.

Date of Hackathon: 12. – 13.10.2018
Country/City: Greece / Athens
Topic: Open to all Copernicus themes. Main areas of interest: Marine protection, maritime services and precision agriculture, complemented by security and emergency management.

Cesah – Centrum für Satellitennavigation Hessen
Date of Hackathon: 12. – 13.10.18 and 17.10.18
Country/City: Germany / Darmstadt, Frankfurt am Main
Topic: Smart city/urban planning with a focus on mobility for the Rhine-Main region as a template for similar regions in the world.

Aerospace Valley
Date of Hackathon: 26. – 27.10.2018
Country/City: France / Toulouse
Topic: Create awareness of Toulouse climate challenges and its local consequences.

Institute for Environmental Solutions – IES
Date of Hackathon: 26.10.2018
Country/City: Latvia / Riga
Topic: Copernicus for Smart Cities Development and Management in the Context of Climate Change.

Date of Hackathon: 08. – 10.11.2018 and 17.11.2018
Country/City: Poland / Lublin, Krakow, Warsaw
Topic: Lublin: Bio economy, low-emission energy; Krakow: Life Sciences, Low-emission energy – same as for Lubelski Region; Warsaw: Safe Food, High Quality of life.

Incubateur Paca-Est
Date of Hackathon: Planned for January 2019
Country: France
Topic: Earth Oberservation.

The Investment and Business Development Agency CzechInvest
Date of Hackathon: Planned for March 2019
Country/City: Czech Republic / Brno

With the Copernicus Hackathons Programme by the European Commission, the hosting organisations will not only boost the use of Copernicus data and Earth observation in Europe – they will also spot the next-generation of space entrepreneurs in action. Hackathon organisers are supported with up to 85% co-financing with a maximum value of EUR 20,000 by the European Commission.

Feel like you missed out on becoming an organiser yourself? Follow our open call until 31st December 2018 for the second application phase. Apply now as an organiser and become one of ten chosen organisations to launch an individual Copernicus Hackathon in 2019!

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