Terraplasma Medical Successfully Completes Financing

The Munich-based medical technology company and ESA BIC Bavaria incubatee terraplasma medical GmbH – founded by terraplasma GmbH and Dynamify GmbH – successfully completed the first round of major financing (seed). A number of very experienced private investors are funding the company with a seven-figure Euro amount. The money will enable the company to develop and establish market approval of the plasma care – a mobile, battery-powered medical device for in- and outpatient treatment of chronic and acute wounds using cold plasma, destroying fungi and multi-resistant bacteria.

Bacteria – especially multi-resistant germs – are one of the greatest problems in difficult-to-heal chronic and acute wounds. The terraplasma medical device aims to optimize the wound treatment process carried out by medical professionals and to reduce the pain suffered by the patients and increase their quality of life.

In order to achieve this vision, terraplasma medical is developing a mobile, battery-powered medical device for inpatient and outpatient treatment of chronic and acute wounds, which kills even multi-resistant bacteria by applying cold plasma. Plasma is often referred to as a fourth aggregate state (in addition to solid, liquid and gaseous) and describes a particle mixture whose actual components are partially charged components.

In a clinical study led by the City Clinic Schwabing (Munich Municipal Hospital Group), Germany, and the University Hospital Regensburg, Germany, in cooperation with Prof Dr Gregor Morfill and PD Dr Julia Zimmermann, 300 patients were treated with cold plasma. The highly efficient bactericidal effect of cold plasmas in chronic and acute wounds was proven with great success.

The investor group possesses great expertise in this branch and is led by Gerd Reimann-Dubbers, Ali Alghanim, Rainer Baule and Fabian von Kuenheim. They are based in the Business Angels Regions of Stuttgart (BARS) and Munich. “We are thrilled to have such an experienced and exceptionally well-connected investor group financially supporting our vision of an innovative wound treatment product based on cold plasma”, says Jens Kirsch, Managing Director of terraplasma medical.

Within the framework of this financing round an advisory board was established consisting of Mr Baule and Mr von Kuenheim. The managing directors are Julia Zimmermann and Jens Kirsch. Rainer Baule substantiates the investment saying, “We are very optimistic that due to the extensive experience of the management and the existing clinical data an innovative medical product can be approved for wound treatment within a reasonable period of time.”

For further information, please visit www.terraplasma-medical.com

Jens Kirsch
Lichtenbergstraße 8
85748 Garching near Munich
Office   +49 (0)89 7167 7957-0
Fax      +49 (0)89 7167 7957-9
Email: jens.kirsch@terraplasma-medical.com

Terraplasma Medical joined the ESA Business Incubation program for two years.

About ESA BIC Bavaria
The ESA BIC Bavaria seeks entrepreneurs using space technologies in a non-space environment. That does not mean rocket science, but applies to multiple application fields such as navigation and positioning, communications techniques, Earth observation, materials, processes, signals or robotics.

ESA BIC Bavaria has four selection rounds each year. The next application deadline for the incubation programme is 14 June 2017. Apply now for ESA BIC Bavaria.

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