Share a vision of mankind: The brand new SpaceStarters Crowdinvesting campain h-aero™

h-aero crowd investing

The terms crowdinvesting and crowdfunding are often used as synonyms. You will probably ask yourself: What is the difference between crowdinvesting and crowdfunding?

In the case of crowdfunding, people cooperate to finance a specific project. If there is a return in the case of crowdfunding, it is non-monetary.

Crowdinvesting on the other hand is equity-based crowdfunding when users invest in a startup and receive shares in return. Investors become shareholders of the startup and benefit from profits. Crowninvesting enables private individuals to participate in startups by any kind of investments. And that means, it is easy to support a good business idea and its implementation.

A perfect example is the brand new crowdinvesting campaign implemented by SpaceStarters, called h-aero™. This campaign is specially designed for the company Hybrid-Airplane Technologies GmbH (HAT), a spin-off of Stuttgart University. HAT came up with a revolutionary flight concept: A hybrid airplane, combining the proven flight concepts of helicopters, aircraft and balloons. An innovation in the field of modern flight. The first prototype of h-aero™ was tested successfully in 2016 and presented in June at ILA 2016 (Berlin Airshow).

At the current stage of development, it is fulfilling hitherto unsolved challenges in the market for Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) and comes with zero emission. Further development will cover application-specific client requirements within the main target markets reconnaissance, communication and observation. In medium to long term, the concept of h-aero™ should be used as an extension and substitute for satellites, bringing telecommunication to remote areas and avoid space debris. The long term goal is to use h-aero™ as a smart platform, a satellite extension and substitute for telecommunication.

It is a vision of mankind – far superior to conventional flight, safety, payload and deployment options! The hybrid flying system is purely electric, completely emission-free and almost noiseless. The planned return on investment (target case) amounts 67% IRR (internal rate of return) p.a. The planned return on investment (base case) is 53% IRR (internal rate of return) p.a. The pre-money valuation is EUR 2.800.000.

Here you find more information on h-aero™ and your possibility to invest!

Did you know that you are investing into an award-winning space startup?
This year, the solution LiveEO powered by h-aero won the Copernicus Masters BMVI Earth Observation Challenge for Digital Transport Applications Challenge. LiveEO will improve Earth observation applications by closing the gap between observation time, resolution and coverage area. It is the first private real-time Earth observation application making use of the synergies of Sentinel-2 data and geolocation services. And that’s not all. LiveEO powered by h-aero also was awarded with the second place of the ESNC Baden-Württemberg Challenge 2017.

About SpaceStarters

The SpaceStarters crowd investing platform is based on long term experiences in venture capital and the largest innovation network of the “New Space Economy” in Europe.

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