Interference-Free Positioning of Drones with Galileo PRS

Firefighters and police are increasingly using drones to get an overview of the situation they face. However, these can be manipulated by disturbers. The Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS, in cooperation with Airbus, has developed a concept that ensures interference-free positioning in threat flights by state-authorised users. With this application, SORUS was awarded as the Overall Winner and the winner of the BMVI Special Prize for PRS applications of the European Satellite Navigation Competition (ESNC) 2017. Find out more how to avoid jamming and spoofing and submit your idea how these kind of disturbances can be avoided.

SORUS – Spoofing-Resistant UAVs: The main purpose of SORUS is the storage of Public Related Service (PRS) PRN code chips that enable a user receiver to calculate a Galileo PRS position at any specific point in time. The main advantage of PRS are the access to a secure navigation solution for authorized users and robustness against jamming and spoofing.

The main purpose of SORUS is to store short sequences of PRS PRN (pseudo-random noise) code chips on user receivers prior to missions. These PRS PRN code chips enable a user receiver to calculate a Galileo PRS position at predefined points in time. All the advantages of PRS are maintained in the process, including its robustness against jamming and spoofing and the access it provides to a secure navigation solution for authorized users.

At the same time, SORUS circumvents all the drawbacks of conventional PRS receivers and server-based techniques: No need for a PRS security module on the user receiver; no size, weight, or power (Swap) problems; no keying issues; no handling of controlled items on the user side; no need for a communication link that would lead to the availability and radio silence issues; and no security issues thanks to the short PRS PRN code chip sequences, which are only valid for the limited duration and area of a given mission. SORUS enables PRS navigation for a wide range of users while considerably reducing security requirements and Galileo PRS costs per user device. Police, special forces, and other authorised Galileo PRS users could use this method to equip their UAVs with a secure, trustable and unshootable positioning solution.

SORUS is a reliable service that reduces security requirements and Galileo PRS costs per user device in order to secure digital society. It is useful for those user receivers that need to equip their UAVs with a trustable, secure and unshootable positioning solution.

Did you know that satellite navigation technology with its high accuracy has great potential for all sorts of businesses? Show us your business idea and register now for the ESNC!

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