INNOspace Masters Drives Public-Private Partnerships to Boost Satellite Communications

The successful launch of the telecommunications satellite H36W-1 produced by the space technology company OHB System AG represents a milestone for Europe and the New Space market as a whole:  In fact, H36W-1 is the first telecommunications satellite to be developed, integrated and tested in Germany in more than 20 years. Furthermore, the first SmallGeo satellite platform, has been carried out through a public-private partnership between the European Space Agency (ESA), OHB and the Spanish satellite operator HISPASAT.

Technology Transfer and New Cooperative Arrangements Enable Progress

This specific form of international cooperation underlines OHB’s engagement in the INNOspace Masters ideas competition. OHB is looking for visionary ideas for the future space sector: From new ideas and concepts to competitive solutions. The space sector interacts closely with other industrial sectors. A great amount of technologies and processes that are currently successful in other industries could be exploited for greater benefits in the space sector in the future.

Within the European space ecosystem, the New Space economy is the driver for contemporary technologies and new solutions. This technology driver is used to tackle global challenges. For space, new technologies and their countless applications represent a sparring partner to improve Europe’s competitiveness and the sustainability of our society.

Spin-in as well as spin-off ideas – meaning technology transfer from a non-space sector into space and vice versa – profit from the best of both worlds and therefore have great potential for outstanding business advantages. The INNOspace Masters competition is the perfect platform to benefit from research grants and to win prizes, build awareness and boost business ideas related to space. With the motto “Space Moves!”, the competition is looking for new ideas and solutions for the next space generation.

The OHB Challenge is intended to identify innovative, creative and interdisciplinary ideas, shaping the framework that will support the realisation and use of space solutions in the future. The ultimate objective? Aiming at lowering costs of space projects, foster faster developments and achieve improved performances. The OHB Challenge doors are open to those visionaries who are willing to take risks, to think out of the box, to think across sectors, to be innovative and creative.

New Commercial Developments Are Important Space Strategy Components

Germany’s return to system capability in the commercial market for telecommunications satellites has its roots in the close partnership between OHB System AG, the German Aerospace Center (DLR), the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) and the European Space Agency (ESA). The development of SmallGEO is expressly included in the German space strategy and underscores the country’s wish to act independently and flexibly in the small satellite segment.

Developed by OHB System AG as part of the ESA ARTES program (Advanced Research in Telecommunications Systems), SmallGEO is a flexible geostationary satellite platform which can be tailored for different mission goals such as telecommunications, Earth observation or technology validation. With its modular structure, the SmallGEO satellite platform can be modified flexibly to meet specific customer requirements. In addition, customers can select a classic, hybrid or electric propulsion system for the satellite.

Do you want to win a prize for your own space business idea? Do you like the idea of developing pioneering solutions and entering private-public partnerships? Become part of this progressive community and discover space technology for business innovation and vice versa!

Make it happen and SUBMIT YOUR IDEA for the INNOspace Masters Challenge by OHB until 8 February 2019 and boost innovative business concepts profitable for Earth and space.

About the INNOspace Masters ideas competition
The INNOspace Masters competition is being organised by the Space Administration of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) as an embedded component of the INNOspace® initiative. AZO Anwendungszentrum GmbH Oberpfaffenhofen, an international networking and branding company for the European space programmes, has been implementing the competition since 2015 on behalf of DLR. Partners of the competition are Airbus, OHB and the ESA Business Incubation Centres (BICs) Bavaria and Darmstadt.

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