ESNC Winner Sensolus closes Series A Funding worth EUR 2.75 Million

Big News from Sensolus, the European Satellite Navigation Competition (ESNC) ESA Special Prize Winner and Regional Winner Flanders 2014: The industrial Internet of Things (IoT) startup raised EUR 2.75 million in their Series A Funding!

The major capital increase allows Sensolus to improve its existing services, the developments of launching a new generation of services in the rapidly evolving IoT landscape. This investment will give Sensolus the capabilities to push its international growth and grow beyond European borders.

The startup provides care-free tracking of its clients’ valuable non-powered assets directly from the cloud. Its technology is extremely low-power, easy to install and offers maintenance-free control of assets out in the field. This enables clients to optimise their supply chains, to better monitor deliveries, and to schedule preventative maintenance.

Do you want to get to know this year’s winners of the ESNC and their brand-new products and services? Then go ahead and register for the Awards Ceremony on 7 November during the Satellite Masters Conference at the European Space Week in Tallinn – Europe’s biggest space event.

We look forward to seeing you in Tallinn!

About the European Space Week
The European Space Week brings together the most important space stakeholders, companies, partners and visionaries in Europe pushing the topic of space in Europe and beyond. It is organised by the European Commission (EC) under the auspices of the Estonian Presidency of the Council of the EU and co-organised by the European Space Agency (ESA), AZO Anwendungszentrum GmbH Oberpfaffenhofen and Garage48.

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