Cevotec represented by Fuji Industries in Japan and Thailand

Cevotec and Fuji Industries

ESA BIC Bavaria congratulates its alumnus Cevotec GmbH for joining forces with Fuji Industries. It signed an exclusive representation and reseller agreement by giving Fuji the licence to exclusively represent Cevotec in Japan and Thailand and offer the entire range of Cevotec products Samba and Artist Studio to interested customers. The partners also collaborate closely in customer service to provide turnkey solutions including after-sales services and support.

Fiber Patch Placement technology offers unparalleled flexibility and efficiency for the automated lay-up of high-performance composite parts. Cevotec’s Samba Series production cells enable the fully automated, multi-material lay-up of geometrically complex components and sandwich structures, processing up to 4 different materials. Self-corrective process control systems guarantee the highest-quality lay-up, fully documented. These benefits usually translate into baseline savings of 20% – 60% in production costs and time when switching from manual lay-up to Fiber Patch Placement.

ESA BIC Bavaria alumnus Cevotec is the leading developer and one-stop-shop for patch-based composite production technologies. Samba and Artist Studio are the first industrial production system for complex fibre laminates and multi-material sandwich structures.

Read the complete Press Release here!

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