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The EO Excellence Award, presented by the European Space Agency (ESA), is dedicated to honouring early-stage researchers who have made significant contributions to the innovative...
ESA BIC Bavaria, a key incubator for innovative space start-ups, and MakerVerse, the leading platform for sourcing industrial parts, announced a strategic partnership to accelerate...
The EO Excellence Award is a tribute to groundbreaking innovation and exceptional achievements in Earth observation. It stands as a symbol of excellence, recognising the...
Eine Erfolgsgeschichte für die Kommerzialisierung der Raumfahrt in Bayern durch öffentliche Förderung und privatwirtschaftliche Investitionen....
The team of researchers, led by Andreas Kääb, was awarded the Team EO Excellence Award 2023 for their project for using satellite laser and radar...
The research of Susanna Ebmeier centers on leveraging satellite imagery for volcano science. She is particularly driven to enhance the utility of Synthetic Aperture Radar...